About Government Grants

Before we get into all the ways you can get a government grant, I’d like to start of with clearing some things up about government grants. I’m sure you’ve seen some late night infomercials with some guy ranting and raving about how easy it is to get a grant, and how simple it is to solve all of your money problems.

“Want a house? Get a grant! Want to write a book? Get a grant! Start a business? Get a grant!” all you have to do is simple send some money over to the guy on your TV screen and all your money problems will be over, right? Well, not exactly.

I don’t know about you, but to me all that sounds a little bit too good to be true. So what is the truth? Well, it’s somewhere in between…

The Federal Government DOES grant over $30 BILLION dollars every year. Unfortunately, most of it does NOT go into the hands of people like you and me. Most of that money ends up in the hands of:

o County governments
o City or township governments
o Independent school districts
o State controlled institutions of higher education
o Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
o Nonprofits other than institutions of higher education [includes community action agencies and other organizations having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS]
o Private institutions of higher education, State governments

Most of that cool 30 Billion dollars ends up in the hands of the organizations listed above, and when I say most I mean roughly 95%.

Now ask yourself, does your family fit into any of the categories above?
Probably not.

Another 20 billion in grants is also provided by private foundations and trusts every single year. But Again, the vast majority goes to non-profit organizations.

Now I know what you must be thinking, but don’t be discouraged because understanding that you do not qualify for the majority of Federal and Private Grants is the first step to actually getting a grant.

Now, do you notice how I keep telling you about FEDERAL grants and how you don’t qualify for most of them? Well, there are grants available at the state level that you can apply for and actually receive. This is what the majority of this eBook will focus on – grants you actually qualify for!

Also, even though you don’t qualify for most of the federal grants that are given out every single year? There are some (not a lot) of Federal and Private Grants that you may be eligible for. Of course, I will let you know about these grants later on in this eBook. However, you must know that these kinds of grants are limited and you will have many competitors that are trying to get the same grants as you. With that said, if you know what you are doing you can attain these limited grants.

If you thought that all you had to do was buy this eBook, chose the amount of money you want and get the grant you want… I’m sorry to disappoint you, but it’s not that easy. Think about it, if it was that easy I would be way too busy getting grant after grant to write this eBook.

With all that being said, You CAN receive grant funds. You just have to know where to look and what to do and who to talk to. You must focus on the grants you actually qualify for, instead of taking stabs in the dark. This book will point you in the right direction, give you the right information and tools and walk you step-by step through the process.

Ok, so now that I’ve cleared a few things up about grants. If you are not too disappointed with the truth, let’s proceed onto the first part of this eBook and teach you all the realistic methods to getting the grant you need...